Summer is a busy time. It’s also an active time for many churches. You may have vacation Bible school, summer camps, and other summer programs planned.
On top of that, church members can have hectic schedules over the summer months. There are vacations, weekend trips to visit friends and relatives, and shuttling children to all of their camps, sports, and other activities.
You may notice a lag in your capital campaign giving during the hustle and bustle of summer. You can incorporate a few strategies to help keep your pledges and funds coming in at a steady rate.
Celebrate current campaign results
Make sure members know how the campaign is doing so far. It’s through their generosity and ongoing support that you have achieved your current results. Share the good news when you reach campaign milestones.
Remind members of the goal
Refresh everyone’s memory of what the campaign will accomplish. How will the funds raised impact the church and its members? Make sure the vision and mission of the campaign are still top of mind for donors.
Talk about the importance of generosity
If campaign support starts to lag as the weather heats up, it can be a good idea for the pastor to preach a sermon on generosity and stewardship. You can also remind members in bulletins, newsletters, and social media that their support is needed to help reach the campaign goals.
Promote electronic giving
Electronic funds transfer is one of the fastest growing trends in financial services today. An electronic giving strategy that includes automatic withdrawals from a checking or savings account, or automatic payments from a credit card, can help you to promote giving on a consistent basis.
For more strategies on reducing the summer giving lag, please email or call Church Campaign Services at 888.558.6873.