5 Steps to a Well-Planned Capital Campaign

economic confidence improving economyMany churches have been hesitant to start a capital campaign in the midst of the uncertain economic times. It can seem difficult to ask members to give more when budgets are already tight.

As the US economy shows continuing signs of improvement from the Great Recession, it may be time to think about moving forward with a capital campaign for your church. While Americans may be cautious, their confidence in the economy continues to grow.

Here are 5 steps you can take to create a well thought out campaign that speaks to your members and donors:

1. Enlist visionary leaders
Your capital campaign is only as strong as your leaders. You should enlist leaders who can see the future while keeping the reality of the present in mind. They can bring vision and reality together to inspire support. Find out how in our blog “The Importance of Visionary Leaders.”

2. Think in terms of benefits
As churches begin the campaign planning process, it’s easy to start thinking about what you need. You need to remodel or upgrade out-of-date facilities. You need more space. You need to pay off debt. While this is your goal, it’s not why people give. They give because it will benefit the church, its members, or the community. Learn more about “How to Inspire Support for Your Church Campaign.”

3. Write a Case for Support
A Case for Support serves as a guideline for your campaign. It sets the scope of the campaign, presents the vision, provides the emotion, and sets the tone for the fundraising effort. Get more advice with “Tips on Writing a Case for Support.”

4. Use the gifts of your church
Every church member has their own unique “gifts” that they can bring to your church campaign. Some members are natural leaders while others can inspire and motivate the congregation. Some may be good with numbers or have great communication skills. See how you can “Utilize the ‘Gifts’ of your Church Congregation.”

5. Create a sense of ownership
After all the planning is done and you move forward with your campaign, it’s critical that ownership of the campaign is passed on to the congregation. While your members may agree to support the campaign, it’s more important that they believe in it. You can read more about “How to Create a Sense of Campaign Ownership.”

A successful capital campaign involves rigorous planning and dedication – from the church leaders down to every member in every pew. With the proper planning and a step-by-step strategic approach, you can create a powerful campaign that your congregation will support.

As the economy and your congregation’s confidence in the future improves, Church Campaign Services can help guide you through the steps of preparing a campaign. Simplyemail us or call us at 888.558.6873. We welcome the opportunity to talk to you!