The economic times of recent years have affected all organizations that raise funds, including churches wanting to expand their ministry and mission.
If you’re considering a capital campaign in 2015, here are 6 trends that may impact your church:
Projects may become less building-related
With rising construction costs and the need to create less expensive buildings, church leaders are turning to more creative alternatives. Some are finding relevant ministry spaces in their community that can be rehabbed, while others are remodeling existing areas within the church. Remodeling costs are often less expensive than new construction and can help revitalize the community. Debt retirement campaigns have also become more common as organizations rebound from the recessionary times.
A clear vision is even more important
As more and more organizations vie for the attention of donors, it is even more critical to develop a clear vision. By defining and communicating your church’s vision, you will inspire members and your campaign will flourish. Learn more about creating a compelling vision.
Mission components are vital to success
Adding a mission component to your capital campaign provides a rare opportunity to build faith and create excitement about your cause. Now more than ever, a mission expansion project is a spiritual journey for your congregation and its members. It’s a time to teach, preach, and celebrate the joys of sharing your faith.
Communications are more targeted
In the past, capital campaign communications have been one-size-fits-all. However, churches have diverse and unique groups of people. Your conversations need to be customized to different audiences. A Baby Boomer may have different motivations and passions than younger adults from Generation X or Y. Learn more about speaking to the different generations.
Multi-media helps tell the story
Technology is rapidly changes our lives. The good news is that this technology gives us more ways to explain our vision and mission, as well as communicate and connect with church members. You may currently incorporate direct mail, in-person events, and phone calls into your campaign plans. Social media, email, and texting can help keep the lines of communication open throughout the entire campaign process. Learn more aboutleveraging the power of social media.
Strong leadership is essential
Visionary leaders who inspire the congregation are vital in the success of a capital campaign. Great leaders are able to pass on the ownership of the vision and plan by articulating the plan clearly, giving tangible evidence of how the plan will be achieved, and being transparent with all relevant information. Inspiring leaders give every member in every pew the opportunity to succeed as a community. Learn more about creating a sense of campaign ownership.
While all of these current trends may not apply to your ministry, I believe that big changes are in store for church giving in the coming years. I encourage you to be open to new opportunities that will allow you to grow and expand your church’s stewardship.
To talk more about capital campaign trends or starting a campaign for your church in 2015, please contact Church Campaign Services by email or call us at 888.558.6873 today.