Are Your Letters Being Read?

Are the letters you send out from your church being opened? Are the recipients reading them? And as they read them, are they inspired to participate more in your ministry?

Here are some questions to ask of every piece of mail that you send to your people:

Will it be opened?

  • Did you hand-address the envelope?
  • Or, did you write a note on the outside telling me why opening this letter is a matter of life and death?

Will it be read?

  • Did you include an inside address that’s accurate?
  • Did you start the letter with a salutation that’s appropriate?
  • Did you hand-write a personal note at the top of the first page?
  • Does your first sentence inspire me to read on? Is it personal (“you” and “I”)?
  • Did you hand-sign the letter?
  • Do I know you, or at least know who you are?
  • Did you write a P.S. that tells me exactly what you’re asking me to do?

Will it inspire me to respond?

  • Are you writing to me in a personal, conversational style?
  • Did you tell me a story or give me news about the SMIT (single-most-important-thing)?
  • If you’re telling me a story, is it about an individual who has benefited because of our ministry?
  • Have you asked me to take the same action at least two times in the letter?
  • Did you also ask me to take that action in the P.S.?
  • Is the action needed urgent?
  • Am I the hero of your letter?

Will I respond?

  • Is it clear to me how I’m supposed to respond?
  • Did you give me a response card? Does it remind me of the letter and why I’m inspired?
  • Am I supposed to send the card back, or are there other alternatives?
  • Are there suggested responses that are appropriate to me?

Look for more specific advice on some of these in future articles.


P.S. – Please forward this to a friend who could use the advice!

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