Case Study: Reflecting a Church’s Vision and Values

future-visionChurch Campaign Services has recently been consulting with a church that is planning to update its facilities. The church was originally built in the late 1950s and earlier, and has become worn and dated. Most of the proposed changes seem minor and mostly cosmetic, yet together the updates add up to a substantial amount of money.

So, they should just ask members for the money, right? People give with their hearts. They donate and support causes for emotional reasons. For a capital campaign to be compelling, it must create a message that speaks to the vision and values of the church – and how it will benefit the church’s ministry, its current members, future members, and the community.

In this instance, church leadership has become so close to the details of the proposed plans that they are beginning to talk in tactical details and features. Before the church can move forward with its capital campaign to raise the necessary funds, leadership needs to position the facility repairs and upgrades to encompass the vision and future plans for the church.

Here are some of the facility maintenance projects the campaign will cover:

  • Repair the roof
  • Replace windows, window shades, and doors
  • Upgrade the heating and air conditioning system
  • Enlarge a bathroom to be handicap accessible
  • Install new lighting and upgrade the audio visual system in sanctuary

There is nothing glamorous or exciting about building improvements like roof repair, but that’s the reality of what must be done. To create excitement among the church’s members, these facility updates should be positioned as positive benefits that will help the church and its members with the work of the church.

Your church’s physical presence is an icon for who you are as a
community of faith –
does your facility represent your vision and values?

For instance, how will replacing windows and shades benefit the church? Your first thought may be to save energy on heating and cool costs. And while saving money is important, it is not necessarily the only end goal. Members were not willing to sit in areas of the sanctuary near the drafty windows. The entrance, lobby, and education building are drafty and uncomfortable. As a solution, window shades were added to keep out the draft. Then, the interior of the sanctuary become dark and gloomy – not a conducive environment for an uplifting worship service. The lobby and entrance were also dark and uninviting.

By replacing the windows and shades, members will be able to make full use of the sanctuary. They will be more comfortable and the entire atmosphere of the sanctuary will be uplifted. The light helps make the rest of the space as inviting in February as it is in May. Members will be more inspired to invite others to attend services.

Improving the sound, video, and lighting systems will enhance worship by adding clarity to the service and eliminating distractions. New windows and doors will also improve the appearance of the church and make it more inviting. Upgrading to a handicap accessible bathroom will build ministry and attract future generations.

In addition, it’s just good stewardship to maintain the church and do the necessary repairs. Replacing the roof says the church is planning for the future. It’s important to pass the church on to future generations in the same, or even in better, condition.

Next, how will these remodeling efforts help the church achieve its vision for the future? What is the ministry behind building repairs? That’s where a campaign theme or vision can help carry out the mission of the church.

Updating the church represents vitality. A well-maintained church reflects the spirit and vibrancy of what’s really happening inside the church. It sends a message that the church respects the house of God, cares about its members, and wants to create a legacy.

Church Campaign Services and its trained consultants can help you communicate your facility needs as ministry benefits. Please call us today at 888.558.6873 to talk about creating a compelling vision and benefits message for your capital campaign.