The Pledge Campaign is not about Money

The goal of the Annual Pledge Campaign is to grow generous givers. The Finance Committee of your church may disagree. But the Annual Pledge Campaign is not about money, and it’s not about the budget. Our mission proceeds from the Great Commission – to go out into the world, baptizing and teaching in the name […]

[Webinar] Choosing an Annual Pledge Campaign Format

Webinar - Choosing an Annual Campaign Format blog post image

Yesterday we wrapped up our webinar on Choosing an Annual Pledge Campaign Format. In case you missed it, or wanted to review the content again, here are some helpful links: Recording: Slides: For help in determining the right format for your church this year, take this survey: Free Campaign Format Assessment To be […]

Inspiring Generosity, Thriving Stewardship

“Stewardship” is a church word frequently heard during fall pledge campaigns. Yet stewardship involves our whole lives. Every activity, every day, all year long. The annual pledge campaign is one tool to teach generosity. Congregations thrive spiritually and financially with a more holistic approach. “Help us with stewardship” This is the most frequent call I get from pastors […]

What About the Offering Plate?

The next worship war might be over the offering plate. As blogger Wezlo says about the offering: The impending extinction of the offering envelope is not something I am mourning. In fact, I’ll be quite happy when it comes to a close. On the other hand, I find the idea of seeing the act of […]

WANTED: Full-Time Stewardship Pastor

Wouldn’t that be nice? Most churches I know work hard enough to pay the ministers they already have, adding another is beyond their dreams. But I did run across this ad earlier this week: RIVERBEND CHURCH Job Description for the Pastor of Stewardship Updated January 1, 2016 Reports to: Pastor of Church Involvement. Would also […]

Answered: Top Ten Ways to Grow Givers’ Hearts

Here are the answers to last week’s quiz: 10. Know Your Numbers. Pearson’s Law states, “That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.” Here are some important numbers to know: average giving per worshiper, new givers, how many stopped giving (and why!), aggregate giving by age group. 9. Remember the […]