The Core Values of CCS
Our core values drive everything we do and distinguish us from other fundraising consultants.
We believe in a theology that says there is not just enough of every resource, but there is more than enough. We move away from discussions of scarcity and sacrificial giving to embrace the rewards and joy of grace-filled generosity, ultimately seeking transformational giving of our members. We are Blessed to be a Blessing!
It is our responsibility to give every member in every pew the Opportunity to give in a generous manner and experience the joy and rewards of accomplishment and satisfaction that come from building a more vital ministry.
Goal setting is challenging. Our task is to continually build for the best interests of the congregant. While we occasionally set modest goals to assure success and create a building block for the future, we most often challenge our members to respond beyond their own expectations and to grow in faith and commitment.
We believe we are facilitative campaign leaders, bringing the Best Practices of Professional Funds Development, teaching and exercising the actions of Good Stewardship, and working in cooperation with the Pastoral and Lay leadership to further the ministry of each congregation we serve. A critical objective of our consultants is to pass on ownership of the collective goals of the congregation to each and every member.
We meet each congregant where they are, not where we think they should be, and bring them along on this stewardship journey. Similarly, we determine the culture of money and giving in each congregation and design a plan of campaign suitable to bring them success and move them on a Spiritual Journey.