With social media, we can connect in ways never imagined just a few years ago. Social media can change the way churches communicate with members and each other.
How can church leaders use social media? It’s a great way to share what’s happening in your church and help members get more involved in your ministry. You can share your vision and mission for your capital campaign and keep members up-to-date on your goals and progress.
Here are some do’s and don’ts to using social media for your church:
DO start a conversation with your members and community. Engage others and create a give and take relationship.
DON’T blast your message out like you’re shouting to the world.
DO create a “voice” to your posts. Try to be consistent in your tone and positioning.
DON’T be unpredictable in your messaging or posts.
DO approach different social media platforms differently. You should post different types of content and messages to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram.
DON’T post the same message in the same way across all of your platforms.
DO ask for feedback. Encourage others to join in the conversation.
DON’T do all the talking without listening to what others have to say.
DO provide useful information. Your followers want to know more about what you’re doing, how things are going, and what’s happening with your organization. They want to receive posts that are insightful, inspiring, and informative.
DON’T make them ask for the content they need.
DO make social media a priority. Check your accounts regularly, even every day. Also, be sure to respond to comments or questions within 24 hours.
DON’T ignore your followers. Successful social media is about a give and take relationship.
Social media can help you create an ongoing relationship with your church members and the community. Simply email us or call Church Campaign Services at 888.558.6873 to talk more about using social media in your capital campaign.