How to Create a Capital Campaign Theme

Communication is key to the success of a church capital campaign. Your communication materials need to share the campaign’s vision and message through both graphics and text. A campaign theme can help you deliver your vision in a clear, concise, and compelling manner.

The theme should capture the imagination and hearts of the congregation and convey the essence of your church’s capital campaign. You can use a logo as an artistic interpretation of the theme. The theme and logo can then be used on any materials that are developed for the campaign, such as an informative brochure and stationery. The theme and logo will be used throughout the three-year pledging period in order to maintain interest and remind people to keep up with their pledges.

Here are some tips for developing a theme:

Keep it short and sweet
A campaign theme is usually about three to five words that summarize the core message of the campaign. You may want to try to fit everything into the theme, but it should focus on the most important aspect of what you want to accomplish. For instance, if you are building a new structure to allow you to expand your youth programs, the theme might be, “Building for our Youth.”

Focus on benefits
The theme should accentuate the benefits of the campaign to the church, its members, and the community. What’s the single big idea that you want to convey to donors? If you’re remodeling your church’s sanctuary, you may want to reassure your members that you understand the historical significance of your church. Your theme might be, “Honoring Our Past – Growing the Future.”

Be consistent
Once you have your theme, be sure to use it consistently. It may be tempting to modify the theme to suit different purposes. However, think about the tagline of some of today’s major brands. Would Nike ever modify its well-known tagline, “Just do it,” to “Do it now” or “Just do it sometimes”?

Create professional materials
To help achieve the best campaign results, your communication materials should be professional and made of quality materials. You’re asking donors to make a substantial financial commitment to your campaign, so you want your materials to reflect the importance of the funds being raised.

For more tips on creating a compelling theme for your church’s capital campaign, please contact Church Campaign Services by email or call us at 888.558.6873 today.