Church Fundraising

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Empower your church congregation to raise funds and develop strategies for enhancing annual operating programs.

Church Capital Campaign

Funding church ministries — by assisting congregations in raising funds for capital projects is our core emphasis. Utilizing the theological basis of the reformed tradition and the techniques of the campaign professionals, CCS makes fundraising ministry happen.

Strategic planning, funding and implementing worthy projects involves a careful marketing plan of focusing the congregation’s unique mission, engaging the church family in conversation about the church’s future and assessing the church’s needs in light of that vision.

Designing the appropriate project and challenging the financial potential of the congregation to fund it with members’ gifts and pledges requires an intentional planning process by church leaders. Omitting key steps along the way will significantly impact the congregation’s capital campaign or fundraising efforts.

Before the church’s actual capital campaign begins a solid foundation must be laid. This foundation must clearly articulate the fundraising needs in the context of the church’s mission and should involve the entire congregation in the planning process. Once this groundwork has been established, then and only then is a church truly ready to fully capitalize on the positive spiritual and financial benefits that are the results of a successful fundraising campaign.

Feasibility Study

Validating the church vision by performing a feasibility study assists congregations to determine the readiness of its members to support a capital campaign. Answering basic questions to prepare for a financial campaign can be difficult without hard data.

When a church is diverse or needs to more clearly define its mission objectives, a pre-campaign feasibility study is important to the ultimate success of the campaign.

A feasibility study is a tool used to gather and analyze information and to determine campaign readiness. The results of a feasibility study will provide the foundation for designing a capital campaign that will capture the interest and support of church members and friends.


CCS has asked, “How can we help a congregation better understand its financial stewardship program and improve upon its annual giving campaign both financially and spiritually?”

In response to this question, CCS has developed a model for assessing past practices of congregations’ annual giving and presenting specific recommendations which we believe would result in church members becoming more generous over the short and long term.

At the conclusion of the process, our consultant will present a set of recommendations, which if implemented, will allow a congregation to move more intentionally toward becoming a more generous church.

Annual Stewardship Campaigns

CCS helps congregations develop a methodology, plan and time table for securing annual financial commitments and instructs volunteers on how to discuss annual giving with their peers.

CCS brings the same understanding of financial stewardship to annual Christian stewardship campaigns that we bring to the conduct of a capital campaign. Our capital consultants work with a congregation and church leadership to help them articulate their unique mission and vision, evaluate the current giving culture and develop a methodology, plan and timetable for securing financial commitments. At the same time a greater understanding of what it means to be a more a more generous people is nurtured.

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CCS consultants assist church leaders in understanding financial stewardship and in reviewing annual budgets, and provide counsel for helping congregations and agencies discern their financial vision and mission. Our church consultants are  prepared to speak or preach on stewardship and giving to reinforce the message of funding the church’s ministry. Through our analytical tools, we can assist congregations in benchmarking their financial progress over time in developing a better stewardship culture.

If you have a financial concern and seek an outside opinion or assistance,  or need a  recommendation of denominational resources  to assist you and your congregation, contact our CCS office to discuss our ability to respond to your needs. Church Campaign services provides church financial consulting to congregations all accross the USA.