Feasibility Studies Save You Headaches and Avert Failure

“There was no feasibility study to make sure people were in favor of the project and willing to give.” Glenn and Barbara Holliman have an excellent little book about capital funding in churches. With Generous Hearts is well worth your time to read before considering a campaign. I was struck by their introduction. There, they […]

6 Signs Your Congregation is Financially Healthy

Stewardship is the way we use our God-given gifts  – talent, time, and treasure – to carry on Christ’s work in the world. We are his disciples. As part of stewardship, it’s important to understand the financial health of your church. The decisions you make about money are part of stewardship and discipleship. Here are […]

Case Study: Reflecting a Church’s Vision and Values

Church Campaign Services has recently been consulting with a church that is planning to update its facilities. The church was originally built in the late 1950s and earlier, and has become worn and dated. Most of the proposed changes seem minor and mostly cosmetic, yet together the updates add up to a substantial amount of […]

Choosing the Right “Stewardship” Campaign Coach

Every year various denominational groups ask if we’d give a workshop on choosing the right capital campaign consultant for “your” church. And, it seems the focus ends up on the personality of the individual, not the firm, and I believe that is wrong. So you may wonder, in what ways do firms differ? Making this […]

The Art of Asking For Leadership Gifts

Leadership Gifts are crucial to the success of most church capital campaigns. That’s because 60-70% of your gifts will come from 20% of the people. Leadership Gifts are typically considered gifts that are $10,000 or above and pledged over three years. What’s the best way to approach the members of your congregation who have been […]

Are All Church Members Equal?

When it comes to developing a successful church capital campaign, the answer is “No.” Think of your church congregation like a pyramid. The bottom level of the pyramid is made up of the largest percentage of your members who will provide you with the majority of your smaller level donations, or about 10% of your […]

Case Study: Reflecting a Church’s Vision and Values

Church Campaign Services has recently been consulting with a church that is planning to update its facilities. The church was originally built in the late 1950s and earlier, and has become worn and dated. Most of the proposed changes seem minor and mostly cosmetic, yet together the updates add up to a substantial amount of […]

How to Create a Culture of Generosity

Many churches are struggling with the concepts of stewardship and generosity. How do your church members view giving? Do they see it as an opportunity to give abundantly, or do they feel they need to sacrifice to make a difference? You can teach your members to find the joy in giving and living generously. Here […]

When Should You Call Church Campaign Services?

Your church may be at various stages in the capital campaign planning process. Or, you may not even be considering a capital campaign at this time. So, how do you know when you should start a conversation with Church Campaign Services? Here are some of the reasons you should give CCS a call: When you’re […]