The Challenges of a Second Capital Campaign

You’ve conducted your first capital campaign and are feeling good about the results. Now it’s time to start the second campaign.

This campaign, even more than the initial campaign, may need the help of professional fundraising counsel to receive the results you want. The second campaign brings new challenges and motivations to give.

Church Campaign Services can help you face and overcome these challenges. Some things to consider include:

  • CCS can bring insight into renewing the excitement of the first campaign.
  • Over a three-year period, mission goals can change and we can help your church articulate new mission objectives.
  • Members who participated in the first campaign are often at a different place in their faith journeys. You may need to approach them with a revised message.
  • A second campaign needs be as successful – or even more successful – than the first effort in order to ensure the financial stability of your church.
  • Your church may have gained new members who did not experience the first campaign and need special consideration.
  • Church personnel can benefit from a “refresher course” in the campaign process.
  • By using CCS to relieve staff of some of the planning and oversight, the staff can dedicate their time and energy to doing the critical one-on-one contact with members.
  • CCS has years of experience developing successful plans for subsequent campaign efforts.
  • CCS understands your denomination and emphasizes stewardship to increase commitment and enhance the credibility of the campaign.

If your church is considering a second – or even third campaign, call Church Campaign Services or email us to talk about how we can provide the support to make your next campaign as successful as possible.