What Happens When You Have Two Campaigns in the Fall?

As a result of conducting literally hundreds of annual operating and capital campaigns simultaneously for churches over the past fifty years, Church Campaign Services recognizes the following likely outcomes of a well founded and planned dual campaign effort.

1. Year Round Stewardship
Churches that experienced the greatest success in any type of financial campaign were ones that emphasized the year round stewardship of members’ time, talents, and resources. These congregations understood the importance of pledging and how offering back to God all that God has so generously given to us is the most important underlying stewardship principal.

2. One Percent Increase in Annual Support
When combination campaigns are conducted, it is customary to ask each individual or family pledging unit to consider a one percent increase in their annual giving support for the church. CCS has found that a one percent increase in annual support is realistic and can in fact be managed by most members of a congregation who are currently pledging or giving regularly.

3. Proportionate Giving
Members and friends of a church engaged in a capital campaign are generally asked to consider a contribution of between 3 and 5 percent of household income each year over a three year pledge period to realize the capital campaign financial objective(s). This ask is done in accordance with the Biblical concept of proportionate giving.

A typical family will be asked to consider contributing over the next three years approximately 4 to 8 percent of its annual household income to the church. This might equate to a gift of three percent of annual income (up from 2 percent) to the annual operating appeal and 4 percent of annual income over the next three years to help raise the necessary capital dollars.

At the end of the three year capital campaign pledge period, although it is not customary for individuals or families to maintain a 7 to 8 percent of income annual contribution, it is also just as unlikely that they will revert back to giving at their previous 2 to 4 percent level.

A comprehensive year round stewardship emphasis needs to continue throughout the capital campaign pledging period to ensure as little decline in giving as possible once the capital pledge period has ended.

CCS understands that the annual stewardship program – pledging to the church on an annual basis – is the bedrock of successful church financial stewardship. It is this aspect of a person’s giving that must be continually nurtured if they are to grow in stewardship maturity that will ultimately manifest itself in the generous and joyful giving back of all we have to God.

Need help planning dual campaigns this fall? To talk to Church Campaign Services about how we can help, please email or call us at 888.558.6873 today.