Your church may be at various stages in the capital campaign planning process. Or, you may not even be considering a capital campaign at this time. So, how do you know when you should start a conversation with Church Campaign Services?
Here are some of the reasons you should give CCS a call:
When you’re ready to start a new capital campaign
You’ve decided you have a need to raise funds for remodeling, new construction, or to reduce your church’s outstanding debt. But, where do you start? How do you know if your church can support a campaign? What is involved in the planning process? It’s time to talk to CCS.
When you feel stuck in the pitfalls of planning
Have you decided you’re ready for a capital campaign, begun the planning process, and don’t seem to be getting anywhere? You may be stuck in the Pitfalls of Planning. It happens quite often to churches, and CCS can help you overcome these pitfalls and plan a successful campaign.
When you hope to create a clear vision
One of the key elements of a successful capital campaign is creating a clear vision and mission. CCS can help you develop a Case for Support that outlines your vision and the mission for your campaign.
When you need to inspire support
Many churches have the “if we build it, they will come” approach to capital campaigns. However, you need to inspire your members and the community to support your campaign. Your supporters aren’t interested in what your church needs. They care about the benefits. How will it help the church, its members, and the community as a whole? CCS can help you inspire support.
When you want strong leadership
Your leaders are critical to the success of your capital campaign. Great leaders can envision the campaign process and have the integrity to follow it through to the end. When a church has visionary leadership, you can feel the vitality and energy of it when you walk into a church meeting or worship service.
When you’re thinking about doing dual campaigns
It can be tricky to run two campaigns at once, but it can be done – and done well. With proper planning and a well-funded campaign effort, you can create successful dual campaigns.
When you worry your church may be too small
In the past, it was more difficult for CCS to assist smaller churches with fundraising campaigns. Our minimum campaign fees were frequently too high to be cost effective. Now with new technologies, we are able to successfully support smaller campaign funding needs with much lower fees. So, smaller churches give us a call.
When you have any questions
CCS is here to help you with all your capital campaign and fundraising needs. We are happy to discuss any aspect of your campaign and how our services can help you achieve success.
To talk about your capital campaign, call us at 888.558.6873 or send us an email.